Friday, September 28, 2012

Education Needs a Digital-Age Upgrade

1. I think my teachers in elementary, middle and high school could have better prepared me for the technology requirements in college by requiring us to do online research more. I would suggest them to make most of our writing be typed on a word document instead of us writing in a journal. Writing in a blog online would be much more interesting and more students will be engaged in learning

2. The kind of technology I anticipate having to use in my chosen career field would be mainly computers, promethean boards and the cashier machine. Yes I think my schooling here at Oakland University will prepare me for that because in order to be successful in the business, I need to learn how to use computer and conduct lots of research. The programs I will mainly be dealing with are Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Excel. 

3. I feel that I write better in a more relaxed setting like a blog because writing on a blog is like keeping a journal online and I can look back into it after a long period of time. I think writing in an e-mail isn’t really for me since I only use e-mails if I ever need to check announcements, news and if I need to e-mail my professors or send a private letter to my friends/family. But someday when I have a career, I will have to use e-mail quite frequently to communicate with others such as my boss, manager, associates, or colleagues in the business world.

4. If I was a teacher in English, I would better prepare the future generations for these high-tech jobs by letting them engage in computer at an early stage such as knowing how to type efficiently by end of elementary or at least sometime by during middle school. Also knowing how to conduct research, using Microsoft office programs and most importantly knowing how computers works. 

5. I agree with the main thesis because students should be well prepared before they enroll into college. Most schools should offer computers and other type of technology for students to use and teaching them how to use it. Almost all of the jobs in the present day require some knowledge of technology. In order for students to be successful in college and their career, they should be exposed and be engaged in technology at an early age since as the year goes on new technologies are being developed and invented.

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