Friday, October 12, 2012

Visual Argument: Car Commercials

             In the Ford F150 commercial, the ideology of dominant hegemonic reading is communicated and reinforced. For example, it tells you the benefits and ways that the truck could help you out. Most of the stuffs shown are positive and advantages that the trucks could bring to its drivers. The Ford Motor Company created this commercial to be effective as it says "It ain't a luxury." as it means most people can afford it without having to be extremely rich and it is designed to be driven by anyone and not just the wealthy people. The intended audience for this visual argument would be anyone working at a labor job and needs great amount of space to carry things inside their pick-up truck or anyone who is interested in buying a truck. The kind of rhetoric that is being used to appeal the audience would be the advantages, benefits, and convenience of owning a Ford F150 truck. My response to the commercial is that we can identify and receive the dominant message of an image or text shown in the commercial in an unquestioning manner. It totally captured the capture the viewer's attention by the use of images and different word fonts. The humor parts of it also really appeal to anyone watching the commercial at that time. I think this is the case for most commercials made today as humors are being used to appeal the audience and makes people remember the funny parts of it after a period of time.

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